Springtime in Texas is so pretty.
Fortunate for us, we home school, so taking time to actually stop and smell the flowers, is part of our science lesson plans. Our primary focus this year is to learn about the state we live in, visit places along our journey, and add some science and agriculture information!
One of my favorite things this time of the year, are the blue bonnets.
Scattered all along the road side, across the towns, and among the hills are the prettiest little blue flowers. These lupines are not just spotted here in Texas, but can be seen in many parts of the world. I just love that Texas has made sure to encourage the densely seeded landscape that blankets the hills so close to Austin.
Makes driving so much more pleasant. You almost don’t mind all the traffic.
I really don’t remember seeing this many wild flowers back home in Florida. And wildflowers are really important to our ecosystem. They’re not just there to look pretty. They help the bee population, which are useful for pollination of other plants, and to make honey.
Of course we don’t just have bluebonnets dotting the roadside. So many pretty wild flowers blossom and bloom during springtime. There are fields with white poppies, red Indian paintbrush, wine-cups, pink primrose, yellow star, lantana and thistle. (just to name a few)
Since we’re trying to get outdoors a bit more, and enjoy this beautiful weather, we decided to take a little family road trip to visit some of the pretty bluebonnet fields. It was a great time, just chatting in the car and visiting a few small towns along the way.
Texas is so big and vast, there’s so much to see and experience. Definitely can’t see it all in a day! LOL
Along the way we spotted cattle, steer, longhorn and even spotted Bison grazing in a field next to a road stop. Of course we tracked a path to take a snap. Texas has so much farm and ranching land. I like to see the livestock out roaming. along the way we also got to see cattle roaming freely in the fields speckled with white and blue.
We each took many photos of different areas. Spent the majority of our time in an area called the Willow City Loop – Texas Hill Country Trail. It was a near perfect day. The weather was so nice, and we disconnected from our phones (except to navigate and snap pics), and experienced a lot of fresh air.
I’m hoping we can plan a few more days like this, now that the weather is starting to warm up a bit and the flowers are popping up.