this was a very busy weekend- leading into what looks to be a pretty busy month too. on saturday the “A-team” came over around 11-ish and we had a full day of play. A-girl, “lala” lizzyP and i played lots of games, and had a lot of girl time, while […]
back to work
so daddy is back at work today. on his way out, EP said “dada buh buh” she’s so smart. so far we bark at the dogs (and cats) we can trumpet like an elephant, and quack like a duck. she’s saying all gone and all done- and oops when she […]
an extra day of rest
yesterday we had a last minute birthday to go to. one of EP’s little friends was having a party. EP was really good (as per the norm) but naps got all off schedule. when we got home around 530pm she was ready for a nap. so we ended up having […]
you know you married the right guy when:
you aunt flo pays a visit and he offers (with out being asked) to go to the store and get provisions for her stay. i have the best husband!!
i forgot to tell you:
it’s a GIRL!! Elizabeth Paige is due around 1 may. i’m just at the half way mark and have gained 9 pounds! i’m really getting round. we’re super excited and after the holiday and the tree is down we will begin operation nursery/ baby time. funny how having a baby […]
i have to tell you…
i’m pregnant. yep. there’s a little one growing inside of me. this past friday i took yet another test and it actually came up positive. i’ve never really had a normal cycle, and the past 3 months I’ve been spotting so i figured it wasn’t anything to worry about. i […]
happy birthday to me!
ok today is my birthday. i had the best un-birthday birthday this weekend. the boy took me to the contemporary resort and we had a great view of the magic kingdom. the girl at the front desk sent up balloons and a photo of minnie mouse, personally addressed to me, […]