So many people are weighing in after yesterday’s “awkward kiss” and other moments between President Donald Trump and Fist Lady Melania. As a wife, I wanted to give my 2 cents on 3 things I noticed. 1- Melania’s navy hat: I think she’s super classy, and is serving Jackie O […]
feeling like a DISNEY princess
feeling like a princess pick a disney princess… because my life is like a fairy tale! i feed the birds, and the butterflies flock to me, a la snow white. working on those cardinals. ;p i clean the house, have felt like the left out child. i have animal friends […]
frozen banana
so today i watched the dr oz show? and happened across his “healthy icecream alternative” and decided to give it a try. his recipe was a frozen banana, some vanilla extract, a little h2o and sprinkled with nutmeg… i decided to freeze the bananas, add some italian coffee creamer, and […]
look at the moon
lizzy woke up a few nights ago in the middle of the night, so after we went potty we noticed that the diningroom was super bright and glowing all silvery. we went to the window and looked up to see a beautiful shiney full moon hanging in the sky. now […]
it’s a FESTIVUS miracle
i’d air my grievances, but as tradition has it i must wait until dinner time… and let’s face it airing my griveances is never really a good thing is it? that would lead to the feats of strength and well, i’m feeling especially weak- still fighting off this cold, so […]
amadeus / tinnitus / dali
it’s late… i slept in til 1:30pm today- thanks to the boy and la petite. my sinuses have not been kind this past week, and that with the ringing, well it’s best that i sleep rather than be awake and cranky. with one comes the other. and just as i’m […]
we have a 23-19
ha ha watching monster’s inc and the code 23-19 is child contamination!! haaaaa his b’day is the 23rd, mine is the 19th. our home has a 23-19~ we’re contaminated by a child. haaa haaaa haaaaaa in other news- the play date went well. lizzy had a great time with T […]
red sky at night
red sky at night, sailors delight. red sky in the morning, sailors take warning. i’m unsure as to what the morning sky looked like today. but right now we have a patch of clear skies… if we sieze the moment we might get stuck in the storm somewhere. yesterday, josh […]